Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last Day of September

Wish this acid-reflux would give me a break. I hate trying to go to sleep and waking up with all this burning. Yikes.

Got alot of mail out today...slowly making the deco pile become smaller and smaller. I hope to be out from under it soon.
Got a wonderful box from Lauren in Las Vegas (theaterlion)
It was an autum trade box and she sent me the most interesting things. So if you read this Lauren....thank you.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

On Vacation

Just relaxing and doing a little housekeeping here in California. Went to the Casino last night
and we won enough to go shopping at our favorite craft store after filling the tank with gas and buying baby diapers....much needed items for this household. I like being a (grandma) to my God
Daughter. My little miss Morgan is the sweetest and most entertaining little person I've yet to meet. Just want her to stay a baby forever. It's really hot here and I'm just getting use to it but that wasn't easy. Now when I get home I will probably be cold. Ha