Friday, January 26, 2007


Oh My
My first ever deco for someone else made it home. Penster
at Nness got her Heart Deco and she likes it. It is a good
feeling and the reason I got involved in the art community in the first place. Plus I have received several cards for my Mom's passing from people that I trade with as well as RAOKs
from new people. Today I'm going shopping if I can tear myself away from the internet and doing art.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Another day in Paradise

It's cold, foggy (freezing) and I have a toothache. I just wished
that I would stay well for awhile, since funds are limited and
medical/dental work is so darn expensive for the unemployed.
I don't want to apply for all the county aide stuff (too proud)
but it may come to that. What to do. Always the question.
Think I'll go back to sleep for awhile.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Another day...Looks like my February will be a little busy with
dig sitting, but Dutches (the guest) really likes Hoover(my love) and helps him with his missing his Mom and mine. I think I will go on a Ski Trip on the 10th, 11th, and 12th. I've
never been skiing before, mostly because I don't like the snow.
I just thought that I need to get out and this is a church event
that may just be what I need. Who knows.

Sunday, January 21, 2007



It's been a long time since I've blogged. Change and growth
are the main themes in my life just now. My beloved Mother
passed away on January 7, 2007 and dealing with this event
is so terribly difficult. When I have thought about faith I have
never thought of the depth it entails. I am very certain that
my Mother is ever present. Even when I'm cleaning the house, dishes...etc. I have had so many cards from art friends
as well as a few RAOKS. What is suprising is that they are from artists that I have never traded with. It blows me away
and inspires me to do more myself. RAOKS is how I got involved in the first place. I must update the About Me section I guess. It is hard to have a divorce finalized and lose a
parent at the same time. I have so many last names now it is hard for even me to keep track. I will blog about my Mom's passing at a later date because the story is so beautiful and I want to share it. ME