This scan is rather fuzzy, but it's okay for now. This is some of the art work for the
April Shower Trade and Nervousness.vB. I had 37 people sign up but the actual participation
turned out to be 28, with a maybe on 29 if I get mail from Canada in time. I am going to be making
a zine/booklet with each artists card featured on the cover and hopefully have some meet the artist pictures
included throught out the creations.
It is getting to truly be spring...yeaH! Summer here we come. I may
get in some camping trips this year...I like that. We will have to see how
many pictures I will take on my digital camera and what inspirations I will
find along the way for art. TaTa for now. LOL, mstrish
April Shower Trade and Nervousness.vB. I had 37 people sign up but the actual participation
turned out to be 28, with a maybe on 29 if I get mail from Canada in time. I am going to be making
a zine/booklet with each artists card featured on the cover and hopefully have some meet the artist pictures
included throught out the creations.

get in some camping trips this year...I like that. We will have to see how
many pictures I will take on my digital camera and what inspirations I will
find along the way for art. TaTa for now. LOL, mstrish